30 March 2011

Bzz Agent Scores

Last week I came home from the pharmacy and found boxes and boxes for ME! I love when I get packages, which is why my loving mother sends me steals from the White Elephant in Sitka all the time. She knows I love my mail!

But these packages weren't from my mom. I had ordered some books on Amazon for an upcoming trip (yet to be disclosed on this blog) AND I received two packages from BzzAgent. Now I KNOW I've told everyone about my escapades with BzzAgent before (at least here and here)! If you aren't already connected with them, you should talk to me. For sure after you see what I got in the mail last week, you'll be wanting to hear more!

I'm participating in two campaigns because I'm so marketing magnificent (it doesn't take that to be a BzzAgent, it just so happens that I am). The first campaign is for L'Oreal. Sometimes I feel like BzzAgent does too many makeup campaigns. But I don't sign up for them, so I make my stand. Well this one was intriguing to me. Lately I've felt like I got a lot of verbal concern from people thinking I look sick. It's winter, people! On top of that, I'm genetically pale Irish. But my upcoming trip (yet to be disclosed) will fix all that... and this make up is sure to help as well!

BzzAgent sent me on behalf of L'Oreal the One Sweep Eye Shadow (intriguing, no? YouTube reviews were not so keen on the invention) for my beautiful gray/blue/something eyes and Double Extend Eye Illuminator mascara. The first time I ever did a makeup campaign for BzzAgent, the kit included a lipstick and mascara. I felt so bold going to work the next day with my new makeup... and no one said anything! That's a little shocking since I don't normally wear lipstick. I'll let you know what the results are with these lovely eye products.

The second box contained a treasure chest of Spring cleaning supplies. Once the wave of Lemon Pledge and Glade Sparkle of Spring scents hit our noses, we knew we were in cleaning heaven. And they didn't short change us with trial size samples. It was a hefty box with full size bottles! Oh YEAH! We immediately tried out the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet gels. The applicator is intriguing (to say the least), and I was skeptical pushing the "gel disk" inside the toilet bowl. But it's stuck so far and is said to last a week! We had so much fun and were so perplexed by this new cleaning toy that we did every toilet in the house!

The box also came with a Sweet coupon book. I'm stalking the SC Johnson products this week to see what I can snag for cheap or free. Don't worry, I'll share! Yes, if you are not already connected with BzzAgent, I have a feeling you'll want to be.

P.S. Happy Birthday, Mama Cavanaugh!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the birthday wish and way to go marketing queen! Wish you could come do magic on my toilet bowls! Maybe I just need to find me some of that stuff!
