25 November 2011

Discovering Memories

Uncle Tom, Grandpa Cavanaugh, Grammy, and Great-Grandpa Cavanaugh
Thanksgiving, family photo circa 1954

Scott and I arrived Wednesday evening in Medford. My parents new home is SO nice! They are unpacking boxes and trying to get comfortable in their new homestead.

One of the boxes my mom unpacked contained family photos sent from Boston after my grandmother passed away. I'm in LOVE with this box! I looked through it all Thursday morning and am taking home more pictures to scan and love on. The box contains mostly pictures of my dad's family, but since my mom and dad met in high school there are a few pictures of young Nancy.

I hope you're having a wonderful holiday!

1 comment:

  1. What a treasure. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Thanksgiving weekend. The picture is really priceless. HOpe Thanksgiving was wonderful, even without us!
