31 August 2010

Hold - Best News Yet

Sad day! The vacation is over and we are back in Provo. Not that we don't love to be back in Utah. We really missed our friends and family here and our little apartment. But we also miss being on vacation, in sunny California, surrounded by Chandlers. I miss my cute nefews and neices (too bad we couldn't have caught the Cavanaughs while we were down there too)! There are so many fun stories I want to share from our vacation in Sacramento. I even have pictures to boot! I just haven't had a second to sit at my new mac and type out posts. I thought I would at least get this medical school update to everyone while I'm taking a break from training my BYU replacements.

We returned home Sunday evening and a large pile of mail awaited us. There were some bill statements that we had taken care of, a package from my momma for Scott, and a letter from Midwestern University in Arizona addressed to Scott. I handed it to Scott, instead of opening it myself, and was dissapointed to see that it was such a thinly filled envelope.

It read:

The admissions committee for the American College of Osteopathic Medicine (AZCOM) has put your application for the Class of 2010 on hold pending possible future interview invitation.

Woohoo! On HOLD! Never gotten that before in this two-year med school apps process. I am so excited for Scott to have even this amount of encouragement. I'm feeling great things will come! Great job, hon!


  1. WO-HOO! That is excellent (and very encouraging) news. Keeping our fingers crossed for you both!!!

  2. Ye-ah!Good Karma, Good Karma, Good Karma....

  3. :) congrats and good luck!!
