03 July 2013

Checking Up on The Hubby

This last weekend I drove to Newport, Oregon to visit Scott. He just began his first rotation at the OBGYN clinic at the Samaritan Hospital. His first week included a lot of uteri and observation. So no med school update as of yet, except to say that he is learning beaucoup! Scott asked if I would come visit him and it seemed like the best timing, considering his next rotation on the coast wont be until the winter. Little did I know that I was also beating the 90 degree heat in Lebanon, in exchange for the comfortable 75 and breezy beaches of Newport. A fair exchange!

Scott had asked around at the hospital for local suggestions before I had arrived. He had our whole day planned out. First we would go to lunch at a local hot spot. All the tourists go to Mo's, he was told. Instead he was directed to a restaurant with Ocean in the name... except he forgot the rest of the name and we were on the coast. There were a number of restaurants with ocean as part of the name. When we walked down to the historic Newport boardwalk, we picked the restaurant with Ocean in the title that sounded most familiar to Scott. Lunch was good. Come to find out later, we had chosen the wrong ocean restaurant! So I will have to go back another time to blog about the local favorite.

It was Scott's idea to close the day with a tour, including the hospital he was rotating through and a walk to the beach with the puppies at his host home. I was surprised how much I loved hearing Scott talk about the clinic and all the tools he was using. Usually when he tries to tell me about medicine, it either grosses me out or more likely bores me to day dreaming. It was fun to see him so excited about what he's learning with this hands-on part of medical school. Scott looks at the schedule the day before to see what he needs to study at night in preparation for his visit. I'm sure this will help him make a good impression with his preceptors and patients.

On Sunday, we went to church in Newport. There is only one ward in Newport (other wards and buildings along the coast), and it is part of the Corvallis stake. It was the first time I remember being in sacrament meeting and there was no bread to break and bless. The presiding counselor stood up and announced that the bread they had in the building was rather inedible and we would sing and listen to hymns until new bread arrived. We heard a boy behind us ask his parents, "How is bread inedible?" The ward was really welcoming, even though we were among many visitors. We were told there were a few members working at the hospital, so Scott may have more connections there than he knows.

It was a great trip, well planned by Scott! Because we hadn't seen each other for a week, it felt a little bit like we were dating again. Fun, but I'm anxious to have my hubby home again.


  1. hey my old roommate lives in Newport-Kirsten Buckmaster. Her family is pretty fun. Glad Scott is enjoying his rotations! Also I'm jealous of the weather, we were melting in our house despite all the popsicles consumed :)

  2. What a good coincidence that you missed the heat wave here and got to see Scott! What's his living situation over there?
