06 April 2012

Spring Is Busting Out All Over

Blooming Tree at the rear entrance of Bexell Hall on OSU Campus
Popcorn Popping at the LDS Church Building in Lebanon, Oregon
Daffodils grow like weeds here, patches sprout up in the middle of fields
Purple bushes outside Kerr Administration Building on OSU Campus

Spring has arrived in Oregon. For us this new season means color is introduced into the world again despite the persistent downpour. I doubt that it's actually BECAUSE of the rain, considering that there has been a drop or shower in the forecast since October. More than once this week someone has inserted the word "hate", with passion, in context with this weather and thus their state residency. Because rain comes with gray clouds, it does have a tendency to be depressing. Doesn't that purple just give you hope, though, that summer is around the corner for Oregon? And of course by corner, I mean July.

1 comment:

  1. I love that we have four seasons here! Good thing you grew up in a rain forest! At least you can find some reason to appreciate the rain even if the grey days do long! Sunshine would be nice! Hope you see some soon!
