26 November 2010

Tis Best Black Friday

Sitka, Alaska wasn't exactly Black Friday central growing up. So, the first time I ever even heard about Black Friday was on the news. Sales were up, sales were down, someone was shot at a ghetto WalMart for taking the last gaming system, etc. I tried Black Friday shopping when I was first married and realized I really just can't avoid sleep like that. Physically impossible.

What I'm saying is, this post isn't about my shopping finds. I know... the post title is deceiving, but it is accurate. I've been in a movie posting mood this week. This one is from TisBest, a philanthropy network and charity gift card site. They went out and interviewed Black Friday shoppers last year to ask them who was the most difficult to shop for, and what was the silliest gift you've ever received.

My mom is definitely the hardest to shop for. She has everything and doesn't want much, so that makes it hard to find something meaningful to give her.

And the silliest gift I've ever received...

... Scott put Comet (the can of cleaning powder) in my stocking one year. I was pretty outraged, until he told me that he had put the comet in there because he bought it to clean out our bathtub so I could soak. I do love and good hot bath, and Scott had included some new bath concoctions in my stocking as well.

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