08 July 2010

Application to Schools - Take 2

Scott is in the process of filing out the primary application for osteopathic medical schools, as a second year applicant. He is determined to stand out from the crowd of applicants and show his commitment to the medical field.

The first draft of his personal statement was good, but not great. So Scott talked with his brother Steve (whose personal statement was the sole topic of his interview for dental school) for inspiration. He also had conversations with his parents and mine. And today when Scott finished all of his homework, he began the process of beginning an entirely new draft.

When Scott called me back from my work desk to ask me how the introduction sounded, all I could think of was this scene from this last season of The Office.

It was a good start hon, but you need to taste a rainbow and add Christian Slater.


  1. baaahahaahahah! Love this clip. Love.

  2. Scott is a great salesman - I am sure if he were selling snakeoil he would make money! He can do this too - it is just selling yourself in words. Charm the socks off of those registrars! GO SCOTT!

  3. I could help Scott make a video application just like that, but I doubt they'll appreciate it. Good luck.

  4. Somehow I missed this episode. Hilarious! And I'm sure he'll nail that personal statement....after all his first hand accounts of life growing up in the "hood" almost made me believe he was under-privileged.
