12 March 2010

Weekend Food for Thought

First I have some brain food for you. It's not exactly intellectual stimulus... more like the articles I read today and could not stop talking about with coworkers. Pick and choose to your curiosity:

A main reason why we have serial killers in abundance today - A horrifying porn industry
(CBS article, completely clean, though the story is sad and probably not for the nightmare-proned)

A battle between rights and relationships - Cancelling Prom

A gastronomic oddity - Mommy Milk Cheese

You're welcome to post comments with your response to these articles, but please be considerate. We are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. Crazy current events, though! Did I mention that the weather has been quite abnormal here and well... everywhere! And what's with these massive earthquakes?! We are most definitely living in unusual times.

And now... weekend edibles for your delight. When I saw this recipe come up on my blog reader today, I knew that it had to be Saturday after-dinner snack/Sunday morning breakfast. Cinnamon Chip Bundt Cake posted on The Idea Room blog. It looks so scrumptious, and is made with Hershey's cinnamon chips. Mmmm, can't wait for dessert for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. I know you said to be considerate... but really? What were you thinking- cinnamon chip bundt cake! I mean, who in their right mind would want to make that? I'm totally kidding. Interesting reads... I'll admit to being a little grossed out about the mommy milk cheese. Who comes up with that?
