06 November 2009

What You Should Get Me for Christmas

I start thinking about next years Christmas presents on Dec 26. I think about them for other people when I'm shopping throughout the year, and I make a list of things I feel like I could use or want. I already have a lot of the Christmas presents we are giving already picked out for this year, and in many cases purchased and shipped. Scott and I decided we would make a big purchase this year for our apartment as our big Christmas gift to each other, but we are still doing stockings. (By the way, Christmas this year is in Alaska! Yay! Maybe the last Alaskan Christmas I'll have, considering my parents are retiring for sure.)

So I thought I would share with you the purchases I tell Scott I'm really needing and itching to own. It may seem a bit arrogant to write about what you should get me for Christmas, but let's just be honest... some of you really wanted to know. Or maybe you want the same things.

#1 - Classic Yo-Yo Ma CD
I have seriously wanted this CD for years. No, joke, I've asked for it before for Christmas and never received it, nor gotten it for myself. I should have at this point, because it is no longer a want it is a need!

Yo-Yo (because we're obviously on a first and middle name basis at this point) and his rendition of Cello Suite No. 1 In G Major are very near and dear to my heart. I get much peace from that song and absolutely love the cello (Matt Kartchner should play it more often!).

#2 - Yoga Outfit

Going along with Yo-Yo and my stress-relieving activities, I've recently done some yoga on my tv, in addition to my pilates dvds. I feel like I need to look more professional in a chi way when doing my Yoga. WARNING: I already told Scott I am expecting this to show up in my stocking.

I would also like this yoga model's biceps and triceps if you can arrange that...

#3 - Freelance Writing Books

I'm bound and determined to at least get one article published next year when I'm a medical school widow. Scottie is going to be off studying forever and I will have plenty of time to begin my career as a successful writer. I have a running list of books I want at Amazon.com, and while most are not freelance advice books they could help me with specializing. I've already read Writer Mama, and very much recommend it. Now I need, Writer's Market, or so the book says.

#4 - An Immersion Blender

Soups I'm creating will never be the same after I receive an immersion blender. Not to mention the other amazing culinary delights that will come forth, though I can't think of any other applications right now because what I really want is soup.

#5 - Kneaders Gift Certificate

Turkey Bacon Avocado on Focaccia... need I say more?

Notice how Kneaders mis-spells avocado, but no one cares because it looks so yummy!


  1. I simultaneously love and hate this post. It gives me great ideas for you- and it guarantees that you will like them... but how do I know that EVERYONE won't be getting you these things now? Steve's all about looking at lists as a starting point to get an idea for things you might want- but I'm not so good with that. Anyway, I think I'm back to square one.

  2. hmmm,.. a few things...
    1. mmm, kneaders TBA sandwhich! yum, yum!
    2. Are you hitting JNU at ALL? I know you hit Sitka first, but are you heading this way? (PLEASE, oh please, say yes!)
    3. great idea for gifts for you...
    4. Love you lots and ALL of your witty and sparkling posts!
