As a senior at Sitka High School, a requirement for graduation is to complete an approved project. I chose to research the possibilities of obtaining and auditorium for our high school. The idea had been brought to the city's attention once before in the 1980's, but was resurrected with new vigor by my senior project committee. After leaving for college at BYU-I, the idea of construction and funding was brought to a vote and PASSED. So today, four years plus after my graduation from Sitka High, the auditorium is under construction. The building should be finished in time for the graduation ceremonies of the Class of 2007.
With that chapter in my life coming to a grand finish, I am now beginning to make the necessary decisions of moving. After many frustrating months pondering what next steps I should take in life, I have decided to move to Utah in preparation for a Masters degree program. I've referred to this move as a leap into the abyss of adulthood, only to be told that Orem, UT is not exactly an abyss. I'm hoping, within the next few weeks, to find an apartment, make job connections, and purchase airline tickets to make the move in the end of September. I am excited and scared at the many possibilities that lie before me, and hope that I'll find some confirmation of my decisions.
Before I leave for Utah, I will be traveling with my dad to New England. Dad has a conference to attend in Maine and wanted to visit our extended family in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. With the knowledge that this may be my last chance to visit the East Coast for quite some time, and a $50 Alaska Airlines companion ticket to anywhere AA flies, I've decided to go along for the ride. We will be gone for about two weeks and return just before my expected departure to Salt Lake.
Thank you for all your encouragement and advise. I will post again soon with new updates and pictures as I plunge deeper.
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