14 December 2018

Joy To The World

The end of the year and Christmas have been a time of personal reflection for me. There are usually events (like my upcoming birthday, Christmas, or New Year's resolutions) where I consider how my year went - with life in general, changes that year and how I handled them, and gauging any growth in faith throughout the year.

This has been an interesting year. Scott and I have had fantastic travels and milestone successes. An overwhelming workload in my world has left me feeling like my IQ dropped significantly (and I'm hoping temporarily) under stress and left me questioning career options. This year also led us to possibly the first place that both Scott & I have felt at home, and we're now trying to find ways to make that feeling potentially more permanent. Needless to say, lately I have felt like I could use a little more joy and peace in my life, which I guess is good timing for the Christmas season and this message from Elder Bednar.

My heart hurt this weekend when I heard of a sad event that occurred last week on BYU's campus, and hearing Elder Bednar address this specifically in his devotional was calming. His reminder that service and joy are intertwined was also a helpful reminder.

I hope that you also find joy during this Christmas season and into the new year.

Merry Christmas!

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